By-Laws & Policies

All municipalities have by-laws and policies, and sometimes people need to see the details behind them. That's where these downloads can help. They're PDF files that include all the particulars of the most commonly requested by-laws. Scroll down for a description of each by-law, and a chance to click and download your own copy. There are many more by-laws not included here, so if you don't find the one you're looking for, contact the municipal office at 705-282-2702 or or



New Transfer Station Policy - Updated Spring 2024
Please Note: A transfer station ID tag is required to use the dump (available at the municipal office).
Transfer Station Policy and Hours New 20
Adobe Acrobat Document 71.0 KB

Municipality of Gordon Barrie Island Asset Management Plan
The goal of asset management is to deliver an adequate level of service in the most cost-effective manner.
Adobe Acrobat Document 3.1 MB

Road Allowance By-Law 2009-37
By-Law 2009-37 Unopened Road Allowance .
Adobe Acrobat Document 93.2 KB

Trailer By-law 2010-22 w Schedule C
By-Law 2010-22 Trailer w schedule c.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 146.9 KB

Entrance By-Law 2012-04
By-Law 2012-04 Entrance permit.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 69.6 KB

Outlining Fees & Charges By-Law 2017-08
By-Law 2017-08 Fees and Charges.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 81.8 KB

Custodial Care Shoreline By-Law 2017-10
By-Law 2017-10 Custodial Care Shoreline.
Adobe Acrobat Document 99.3 KB

Beach and Boat Ramp By-Law 2017-14
By-Law 2017-14 Beaches & Boat Launches.p
Adobe Acrobat Document 65.0 KB

Municipal Shoreline Road Allowance By-Law 2017-11
By-Law BI 2017-11 agreement hold harmles
Adobe Acrobat Document 59.4 KB

Building Permit By-Law 2013-05
By-law for building fees 2013-05.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 82.3 KB

Dogs/Domestic Animals By-Law 2020-05
Animal Control By-Law 2020-05.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 173.1 KB

Fire Permit By-Law 2009-15
ByLaw 2009-15 Issuance of Fire Permits.
Adobe Acrobat Document 69.1 KB

Open Burning By-Law 2009-16
ByLaw 2009-16 prohibit open burning.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 64.9 KB

Container By-Law 2014-06
ByLaw-Containers 2014-06- revised Gordon
Adobe Acrobat Document 82.2 KB

Property Standards & Maintenance By-Law 2012-07
GBI Property Standards By-Law 2012-07.pd
Adobe Acrobat Document 84.8 KB

Noise By-law 2023-17
2023-017 Prohibit Noise.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 15.9 KB

Short-Term Accommodation By-Law 2022-13
STA 2022-13 Gordon Barrie Island STR By-
Adobe Acrobat Document 395.2 KB

Zoning By-Law 2022-016
Gordon Barrie Island ZBL_As Adopted 2022
Adobe Acrobat Document 788.1 KB

Zoning By-Law 2022-016 Schedule B - Gordon & Allan West Map
Gordon_AllanWest_FINAL_Updated Nov 28 20
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.2 MB

Zoning By-Law 2022-016 Schedule B1 - Barrie Island Map
Barrie_Island_FINAL_AsAdopted _Nov1st.pd
Adobe Acrobat Document 822.4 KB

If there is a by-law you would like to read and it is not listed here, please drop in to the Gordon/Barrie Island office at 29 Noble Sideroad any weekday between 8:30am and 4:30pm and request it.