Welcome to Our Municipality!

On Manitoulin Island, Ontario, Canada

The Municipality of Gordon / Barrie Island was established in 2009 with the amalgamation of the municipalities of Gordon and Barrie Island, but the roots of both places go back to the late 1800's. Spanning over 250 kilometers with a year-round population of around 500, our municipality is best known for its rich agricultural history that's still thriving today. They make their home and cottages here. Come visit us sometime and see for yourself why many people value and appreciate Gordon/Barrie Island for hunting, sport fishing, farming, starting businesses, raising families, and enjoying retirement. With a wide range of natural beauty including limestone cobble shores, rolling pastures, bur oak prairies and inland lakes, there's no place quite like Gordon/Barrie Island. 




Two participants at this year's Julia Bay BBQ that took part on August 23, 2024 on the Barrie Island causeway. It was a hot one, but that was why the food and music were served on the sandy beach. A few brave ones swam out the to the floating dock in the distance.


Events & Dates


* The next council meeting will be at 7:00pm on October 1st at the Gordon/Barrie Island office on 29 Noble Sideroad. Please note that the Council Meeting begins at 7pm and not the usual time of 7:30pm.


The Janet Head Lighthouse is now closed for the season. Check back next summer for the hours.


* The Annual Decorate Your Gate Competition is being held this fall. Closing date for registering is October 12th. Judging will be done during Thanksgiving Weekend. All are welcome to participate. Make your property entrance something to look at!


* The Annual Gordon Hall Christmas Market will be held on Saturday Nov 30. Please call us here at the office to reserve your table at this year's Christmas Market! To reserve call 705-282-2702.


The Happy Quilters are back from 1 to 3pm at Gordon Hall beginning on September 4 - the first and third Wednesdays of the month. If you are keen, then drop by and join this passionate group of knitters. And learn from the best. Next meetings during October are October 2 at 1pm and October 16th. See you there!


The Manitoulin Coin Club meets the second Wednesday of every month. This month they will meet at 7pm, Wednesday October 9th in Gordon Hall. If you're keen on coins, drop by and check it out.


* Please be reminded that dog tags are required for the 2024 season. Please drop by the office to renew your dog tags for the new year before April 1.


* Fire permits are not required during the winter months, but they are required beginning April 1. Please be mindful of getting your fire permit before you want to have a campfire or burn stuff in a burn barrel. Fire permits are free.


The Gordon/Barrie Island Newsletter

Gordon/Barrie Island Fall Newsletter
Check out what's happening in our municipality!
Gordon Barrie Island Newsletter Fall 202
Adobe Acrobat Document 212.9 KB

To read more newsletters, check out our archive on the Newsletters page here on our website.

The Gordon/Barrie Island Transfer Station now has textile bins for old clothes. One no longer has to take bags of old clothes to the church. Now they will be recycled to the needy via the Six Soc Bins. They are located at the far end of the transfer station along the west side. Get those old clothes from the eighties that you never wear anymore and bring them new life via the Six Soc bins.

The Coin Club meets on the second Wednesday every month at 7pm at 29 Noble Sideroad. All are welcome. 


Please drop by the Gordon/Barrie Island office at 29 Noble Sideroad to pick up this year's dog tags for your doggie(s)!


Volunteer Opportunities

The Municipality of Gordon/Barrie Island is currently looking for volunteers for our various committees, boards and special events. Inquires can be made at our administration office on Noble Sideroad.


Taxes will be due August 31st, 2024 . (Tax bills will be sent out in May 17th, 2024)


Payments can be made directly at the Municipal Office,

or can be e-Transferred using the clerk@gordonbarrieisland.ca email address.

Be Prepared for An Emergency!

Emergencies can happen without notice, but being informed, building a kit, and making a plan will help keep you and your family safe. Emergency Management Ontario states that all individuals should have an emergency personal kit capable of keeping you safe for a minimum of three days. Check it out here:  http://ontario.ca/beprepared #EPWeek2019 #BeEmergencyReady #ONReady 


For more information about emergency management, please check out the page

on this website at Emergency Preparation - Municipality of Gordon/Barrie Island (gordonbarrieisland.ca)

Municipality of Gordon / Barrie Island Office Hours:


Monday- Friday 8:30am-4:30pm


Our Office is located:

29 Noble Sideroad

PO Box 680

Gore Bay, ON P0P 1H0

Tel: 705-282-2702